How to Write Blog Posts Faster (Without Compromising Quality)

How to Write Blog Posts Faster (14 Pro Tips)

Yesterday, I had been staring at a blank page for about 2 hours and couldn’t write anything. Not even the topic on which I wanted to write. I’m sure many of you have been in the same situation as me at least once.

Writing a blog post can often feel like a huge challenge that does not seem to get over anytime soon. With a heap of sub-tasks, crafting an engaging blog post that engages your audience and provides value to them takes a lot of work. Recycling someone else’s content or upscaling it may seem like a shortcut, but in actuality kills your originality. This also jeopardises your chances of ranking high on search engines and affects your visibility.

Well, we’re here for you with some tips on how to write blog posts faster while providing your audience with quality content. By implementing these tips and tricks you can write your blog posts faster, boost your blog writing, and get into the writing flow!

8 Tips to Write Good Blog Posts Faster

Following are 8 actionable and practical tips on how to write blog posts faster while providing your audience with high-quality blog posts. 

Use Templates And Frameworks

Templates and frameworks have a structured outline ready in which you just need to fill in the details that are specific to your topic. This can significantly speed up the pace of your writing while also minimising the chances of incohesion and disorganised content.

Using blog frameworks and blog post templates will help you keep on track through what you are writing while reducing the chances of you getting sidetracked while figuring out what to write next and guiding you on how to go about your blogs.

Minimise Distractions While Writing

Minimising distractions and creating a calm and focused environment while writing is one of the easiest ways of writing faster. Turn off unnecessary notifications, close unrelated tabs, block popups and find a quiet space to work. 

By eliminating any interruptions, you can create a focused environment for yourself that helps your flow and concentration leading to more efficient and effective writing sessions and quick completion of your blog posts.

Create Detailed Outlines

Before you start writing, create a detailed outline to map out your blog post. Break down the main topic into subtopics and bullet points to make sure that you are covering every important detail about your topic.

This will make it easier for you to organise your thoughts and provide you with a clear direction and plan without having to figure out what to write next while writing. This also reduces the time that you spend on what to write next and helps you stay focused.

Use AI Tools For Brainstorming

AI tools can be of significant help while brainstorming content ideas quickly. These tools can help you suggest headlines, topics, and outlines and even generate creative content snippets based on the inputs and prompts that you feed.

AI tools can help you spark creativity and streamline your entire blog writing process while making the work all the easier for you and making you more efficient. They can save you a wealth of time during various stages of the blog writing process.

Don’t Edit While You Write

While writing, focus on getting your ideas down. This ensures that you have a smoother flow while writing and reduces any kind of interruptions that may come in your creative processes. Most importantly, resist the urge to edit while you write.

Editing while writing can slow down your pace and hinder your momentum. Try separating the writing phase and editing phase. This will maintain your pace and improve the overall quality of your blogs making them more readable.

Schedule Editing Sessions for Fresh Eyes

Editing can be best done with fresh eyes. If you’ve just written a blog, you will not spot any major errors in that, whereas, scheduling editing sessions at a different time from your writing will help you spot errors, and inconsistencies, and identify the room for improvement. 

By separating writing and editing tasks, you can focus better on each stage and speed up your entire process of writing and finalising. This enhances the quality of your final content and makes your writing more effective.

Keep Checklists Handy

Maintaining checklists can streamline your entire writing process. With the help of a handy checklist, you can ensure that you do not overlook any important aspects like SEO keywords, links, and every formatting requirement. 

Checklists will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to go about writing, which makes it easier for you to stay organised and be more efficient. Using a well-prepared checklist will reduce your time spent on revision and produce better blogs quickly.

Give Yourself A Deadline

Setting deadlines is one of the best ways to keep you motivated and focused throughout the process of your writing. Deadlines will create a sense of urgency in your mind, which can help you prioritise your writing tasks and manage time more efficiently.

Having a deadline will help you overcome procrastination and keep you on the right track to make sure that you complete your blog posts promptly. Self-imposed deadlines can significantly help you in boosting your productivity and writing faster.

Also Read: How to Hire a Content Marketing Writer To Generate 10x Leads

Additional Tips and Tricks For Writing Faster

Still, looking for some tips and tricks to write faster? Well, there you go!

How to Write Blog Posts Faster (Without Compromising Quality)

Repurpose Existing Content Into New Formats

Repurposing existing content is a smart and effective strategy to create content fast and reach a wider set of audience with minimal effort. This approach will not only save you time but also make the most of a single content piece via different platforms.

You can take up one of your blogs, articles, or a video and transform it into an infographic, podcast, or even a social media post. This will help you cater to different sets of audiences while delivering content that is valuable to them and resonates with them.

Subscribe To Writing Resources And Communities

Various writing resources and communities online, provide you with a huge set of tips, tools, and resources that can help you in boosting your writing speed significantly. You can join forums, social media groups, or pages, where you can take tips from experienced writers.

These platforms will offer you key insights into the writing industry with the latest trends, productivity hacks, and best practices that will keep you motivated and focused every time you write and be more confident in your writing.

Research Efficiently

Researching your topic efficiently before you start writing is essential to make sure that you write blog posts quickly without compromising the quality. Start by understanding your topic and key points and then go to factual information and data.

Take concise notes and organise them according to your prepared outline for the blog. You can use advanced research techniques and various filters to find relevant information quickly. With a streamlined research process, you can save time and have a solid foundation for writing blogs.

Set A Timer

Setting a timer is a powerful and effective technique to boost your productivity and write blog posts faster. By setting a specific time for writing an article, you can create a sense of urgency that can make you focus better and increase your productivity.

You can use the Pomodoro technique to maintain energy levels and enhance your concentration. This steady technique will prevent you from burnout and encourage you to make steady progress.

Practice Regularly to Improve your Writing Speed

It’s an age-old saying that “Practice makes a man perfect,” and the same applies in the field of writing. Consistent practice is essential for enhancing the speed and quality of your writing. Setting aside dedicated time for writing will help you develop your writing muscle, making it easier to express your ideas clearly and concisely. 

Regular practice will also allow you to experiment with different writing styles and over time gradually figure out what works best for you and help you in becoming a more agile and intelligent writer.

Also Read: Guide to Choosing the Best Content Marketing Framework

Bonus:  Join Freelance Blogging Launchpad To Get Clients For Writing Services

Ready to get started with your career in freelance blogging? Well, we are here for you with Freelance Blogging Launchpad to get you started!

Aastha Kochar’s Freelance Blogging Launchpad is a comprehensive program that is designed to help you elevate your freelance services and secure clients. The course offers resources, personal guidance, and proven templates and strategies to secure clients. By joining this course, you get access to a supportive community of more than 50 freelancers who are ready to help you out with your doubts and queries.

Ready to turn your passion for writing into a thriving business?


Final Words

Crafting blog posts faster isn’t an overwhelming task anymore. With the help of various tips and tricks discussed above on how to write blog posts faster, you can write blog posts significantly faster without going down on the quality aspect. With the help of AI and other techniques, you can create engaging blog posts faster that captivate audiences and drive results.


  • Anubhuti Wadhawan

    Anubhuti is a freelance writer who crafts engaging content. Running on a single cup of coffee, on most days, she prefers books and music over people and loves creating compelling content for you!

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