7 Benefits Of Content Writing For Business

7 Benefits Of Content Writing For Business

Great content enhances a firm’s credibility by as much as 82%. Also, good content writing works wonders for your business in influencing potential clients, especially if it is SEO content writing. 

Notably, SEO-optimised content allows your business to gain more exposure at relatively smaller budgets. 

In short, writing quality content helps you earn customer’s trust as compared to your competitors.

By the end of this blog, you’ll EXACTLY know why you should invest in content writing; what are the benefits of content writing for business. 

Without further ado, let’s understand the importance of content writing.

What Is Content Writing? 

When was the last time you went to a live show and were enraptured in the performances? 

Similarly, content writing is the art of mesmerising the audience with clever wordplay. Through careful research, appropriate SEO strategies and impactful Web Analytics, you can reap numerous benefits of content writing.  

In brief, engaging written content has the power to capture readers’ attention and drive revenue for a business. In other words, enhanced organic growth facilitates your brand’s sales or marketing journey. 

Let’s delve deep into ‘what is content writing’ vis-a-vis different forms of writing in the next section. 

Types Of Content Writing 

While the basic mediums to generate content are videos, audio, and textual means, digital audience consumes content in various formats.

The predominant types of content writing are as follows:

Blogs & Articles

Free Blog Letters on Brown Wood Stock Photo

An article generates structured ideas via websites and publications and a blog post focuses on a specific niche or subject. Be it articles or blogs, the main purpose is to educate your audience through helpful content.

Since articles and blogs are integral components of online marketing, Rank Scholars offers several benefits of content writing in niches like SaaS, feminine health, etc. We aim to provide valuable information on a topic to help improve your website traffic and engagement.

What’s more? Our content marketing agency not only assists you in establishing relationships with your target audience and offers detailed content marketing strategies for attracting potential clients. 

After all, content marketing is more efficient than outbound marketing, according to the latest studies.

Ebooks & Whitepapers

Besides blogging, there are several other benefits of content writing services to boost sales for your firm. Whitepapers and eBooks are two assets that can take your content game to the next level by allowing you to generate more leads. 

Though eBooks and whitepapers may look similar on the surface level, they serve distinct purposes. The two major differences are highlighted below:

Ebooks Whitepapers
An eBook contains a lesser amount of textual details and focuses on generating information through images.  In general, whitepapers comprise in-depth and technical reports and are relatively more lengthy. 
EBooks can be useful to anyone to educate readers with high-level, non-technical information for evoking curiosity about a topic of light interest. They help in convincing lower-funnel clients and building industry authority through detailed information.


So, if you are seeking some creative and visually appealing content, eBooks will be the perfect choice. On the contrary, a whitepaper will allow you to provide a thorough guide that is beneficial for boosting brand awareness. 

In short, both forms of content can offer exciting and relatable information when aligned with your brand goals and purposes.

Video Scripts

To show how your product looks in action, try including product videos, product tours, GIFs, etc. in your content piece. According to studies, videos enhance customer retention rates by 100%. 

A video project is incomplete without a script. Therefore, you must prepare concise, captivating scripts to convey your brand message to the buyers.

Social Media Content

Crafting catchy social media content is a significant component of every brand’s digital presence. With the right social media writing, you will influence your sales directly and create buzz around your brand services. 

Suppose, you want to publish content on Instagram about a new footwear you are launching into the market, you may write a crisp and eye-catching caption like this: “It’s time to get out and go for a run. But before hitting the pavement, make sure you’ve got comfortable running shoes!” 

Do not forget to add the links (to the products) and the right hashtags!

Product Descriptions

Evidence shows that 20% of online purchases remain successful due to the absence of useful information about product specifications. 

Therefore, most eCommerce businesses need convincing product descriptions to inform customers and increase customer satisfaction. 

For instance, if you are promoting a moisturising lotion, the description may go like this: “With its non-greasy formulation, the creamy-white lotion can go deep into the skin without leaving behind any stickiness. Since it contains the greatness of honey and cocoa butter, the moisturiser makes your skin nourished and produces a glowing radiance…”

Website Content

There’s no alternative to accumulating more customers than putting up great content for your website.

The term website content itself gives out the fact that the information you’ll be reading on the site helps you to find out more about the business. It implies that web content writing is crucial for online marketing to engage with your audience effectively.

Newsletters & Email Campaigns

Last but not least, emailers and newsletters are handy in informing people about a project. 

Exemplary email newsletters with purpose and value help in improving your brand authority. The reason is that email marketing helps you grab the reader’s attention immediately.

Also, they include personalised content to spread information about products or services and ultimately garner more subscribers. 

Also Read: 10 Content Writing Books to Help You Make $$$ 

How Can Writing Help Your Business Grow?

If you are yet unsure of why you should hire content writing services for your business, check out the following pointers to elevate your content game:

  • Spreads the word about a brand
  • Drives audience engagement
  • Facilitates customer retention
  • Boosts sales
  • Ensures online authority
  • Offers cost-effective marketing solutions

In the following section, we are going to talk about the benefits of content writing for your business in detail.

7 Benefits Of Content Writing

person using MacBook pro benefits of content writing

Almost every firm has a blog or a website to market its services. However, it will not produce the desired outcome without top-notch content. 

So, below are the top benefits of content writing for business.

Builds Brand Awareness

Content writing such as leadership content establishes your brand as an authority in the industry. In this case, you have to share insights into your industry trends to build a relationship with potential buyers. 

For example- If you own a firm catering to a diverse range of menswear, one way of lead generation may be inserting appealing visuals, logos, jingles, anecdotes, etc.

Develops A Unique Brand Voice

Unless people get to know about your USPs, nobody is going to buy your idea. So, let your brand shine to establish a unique brand voice through powerful content writing. 

Improves SEO

To develop brand credibility, you need content that resonates with the audience. Not only should it provide value, but also be engaging and relevant to entice the reader(s) to reach out to your firm. 

By adopting an SEO-friendly strategy, you can not only represent your brand but also stay on top without enhancing your budget.

Drives Organic Traffic To Your Site

When targeted towards the right audience, SEO-friendly content can improve the generation of new leads. 

Let’s consider that you are sending impactful content at frequent intervals, such as weekly newsletters. Thus, well-written content is a remarkable way of retaining viewers if you want the audience to keep visiting the site.

Enhances SERP Rankings

It has been proved that not more than 75% of the audience doesn’t look beyond the first search engine result page (SERP). This is why optimised high-quality SEO content writing has the power to push your content up the SERP.  

To improve your site’s organic growth, you should ensure that your SEO strategy is in place for search engine algorithms. 

So, Rank Scholars’ content writing services are targeted towards boosting your SERPs ranking to attract significant leads.

Helps Stand Out From The Competition

Building a unique brand persona through impactful content helps you create a difference. 

For example, if you are branding a new car model, try including things like why one should choose that product or things that they should consider before purchasing the car model. 

Generates Leads & Sales

While writing professional content, you should always answer the probable queries of your target market. 

Generating leads depends on crafting eye-catching headlines, using statistical data, and making the content skimmable to grab the reader’s interest.

Now, let’s see how to write content that converts well.

Also Read: How to Use a B2B Content Marketing Funnel to Drive Leads and Sales

6 Tips To Write Content That Brings Results

a person typing on a laptop on a wooden table

Now that we know the benefits of content writing for business, let us also take a look at some techniques that will aid your content writing process. 

Write For The Ideal Audience

The first step to writing good content is to research your target audience so that it enables you to craft a suitable buyer persona. 

For instance, if you are writing ed-tech content, your purpose will be to provide value to academicians, students, parents, and even education-based consultancies. Again, an SEO makeup article based on DIY eyeliner hacks should be targeted towards makeup enthusiasts, beauty brands, and the like. 

Make The Introduction Catchy

Since the introduction establishes the tone of a write-up, a solid start helps readers stay engaged till the end.

A powerful opening must have an attention-grabbing hook, such as questions or unknown yet proven data. Then you can address the pain points and outline what information the readers can anticipate to find in the material. 

Alternatively, you may resort to a story-telling format to introduce the issue you’ll be discussing in the content.

Format It Well

Research shows readers stay hooked for 90 seconds only! To captivate readers and help them grasp the value of your content, include the most important details first. 

Using visuals, graphics, charts, and interactive information can also keep a reader interested for longer periods.

Remember that readers don’t like reading huge paragraphs, which is why readable content pieces have no more than 40-50 words per paragraph. Furthermore, large amounts of text must be broken down into subheadings or bullet points to make the information more readable.

Also, ensure that you add adequate spacing between lines to make the material more legible.

Use Visuals

Humans use their five senses to navigate life and that’s why visual-rich content can make brand messaging simpler.

To create appealing visuals, focus on the brand identity to generate organic visibility. For instance, Google recommends using high-quality images in content pieces for higher clickthrough rates. 

Optimise For SEO

According to research, SEO optimisation delivers 53% of organic traffic for all websites. 

To optimize for organic traffic, begin with a title tag in the form of a clickable headline in SERPs. Try using the primary keyword in introductions, meta descriptions, headers, and secondary keywords naturally elsewhere in the content.  

Additionally, include links to high-quality reputable sources to help search engines understand the context and relevance.

Add Strong CTAs

A call-to-action or a CTA instructs the reader on the path of action they need to take. You should place CTAs contextually without disrupting the content’s flow. For example ‘book a call’, ‘learn more’, ‘sign up today’, etc.

To put it simply, a call to action should be clear and concise to persuade the reader to find out more about your service or product.


We hope you now know the benefits of content writing for businesses. A key step in creating beneficial content is to get insights into the audience and dive into their challenges and motivations. 

This is where Rank Scholars comes into the picture to help brands make sales through inbound marketing.

Our mission is to streamline your content creation process via cost-effective solutions. Besides providing valuable benefits of content writing, we focus on acquiring overall success for your business to help you stand out from the crowd. 

So, if you want to connect your brand with more consumers, get in touch with Rank Scholars right away!


  • Madhurima Bhandra

    A freelance content writer, Madhurima loves illustrating her thoughts and crafting engaging content. On days when she’s not so busy, you’ll find her painting or reading her favourite novels

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